Raw Lemon Slice

This slice reminds of when I was younger and one of my friends mums made this really traditional lemon slice. It had a really Aussie vibe to it – biscuit base, probably crushed Arnotts biccies, and an icing sugar lemony topping. Sweet, sour and irresistible. Lately I kept thinking about this slice and was so eager to create my own version of it. Here it is, enjoy! Continue reading

Jam Drops

These biscuits remind me of my Gran. When I was younger I used to stay with her during the week because it was closer to my school and she always just let me run riot in her kitchen. I would be experimenting and making such a mess and she was always so perfectly patient with me and of course she always loved everything I made! (I’m sure there were many a dodgy creation!) She was English and I know she would have loved these biscuits. I can credit her for largely developing my love of food and cooking. This recipe is dedicated with gratefulness to her ♥ Continue reading